Tombs That Had Us Thinking About the Stars
May 18, 2024
In celebration of National Astrology Day, we revisit some tombs from across Lara Croft's legendary adventures that had us thinking about the cosmos.
Probably one of the most iconic locations in the Classic Era is The Lost Library, a sprawling tomb of traps and puzzle rooms. One such room is the Planetarium, a chamber sporting a historical model of the planets painted on the ceiling. Ancient Egyptians believed the Earth to be the center of the solar system, a critical detail that informs the final puzzle solution.
This one doesn’t have much to do with astrology per se, but it sure does have us looking up to gawk at that pretty skybox.
In Tomb Raider’s Unfinished Business Expansion, Lara returns to Egypt to explore the Temple of the Cat. This level sees Lara exploring both inside and outside a pyramid protecting a giant cat sphinx. She might walk away with a Bastet Statue or two, but the real treasure is the stunning night sky you’re treated to throughout the level.
Throughout Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the looming solar eclipse acts as something of a ticking clock for Lara as she works to reverse the impending Maya apocalypse. The adventure culminates in a showdown with Trinty leader Pedro Dominguez at the top of an ancient pyramid as the eclipse passes into totality.
Astrologists believe an eclipse signifies great moments of change and personal transformation, and this holds true for Lara. After defeating Dominguez, Lara forgoes the chance to remake the world and bring back her parents – choosing instead to let go of her past.
Ahhh, the Orrery – an ancient device used by the denizens of Kitezh to track the stars. Is it an accurate model of the solar system? Probably not. But does it make an exciting platforming challenge for wayward adventurers looking for the lost city? Absolutely.
Follow us on TikTok for our new series Tomb Tours where we take you on a journey across the most dangerous and iconic tombs from the series. (Like this tour of The Orrery!)
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